Automation and robotics in Health Care

Anoop Gangadharan
2 min readJan 31, 2020

Automation and digital transformation have influenced practically every industry today and healthcare is no exception. By embracing robotics, surgeons and hospitals can reduce human error, minimize recovery time, and reduce the duration of hospital stay. Robotics also allow surgeons to perform less invasive surgeries than ever before. The wide-ranging potential for robotic applications in health care are predicted to transform how hospitals and health care systems are being managed. Advancements in artificial intelligence, along with predictive analytics, are uplifting robotic technology and making it capable of handling more tasks.

The prospects

Whether in surgical assistance, pharmacy automation, rehab-tech such as exoskeletons or telemedicine for remote consultancy, automation and digital health care technologies can significantly influence the long-term sustainability and profitability of health care systems.

Robotics and artificial intelligence can improve operational efficiencies by taking over administrative or repetitive tasks such as monitoring vital statistics and logging patient data. Robots not only offer greater precision than humans, but also reduce clinicians’ workload, giving them more time to spend with patients.

The need for Precision

However a lack of trust may hinder widespread adoption of robotics in healthcare. While manufacturing companies may depend on robots to minimize human errors and maintain product quality, robots used in healthcare often need far greater levels of precision and reliability to help patients face ailments minor and serious. The high stakes involved in medical robotics therefore mean that precision measurements are made in their manufacture and operation. From healthcare tech leaders like Philips to Automation companies such as KUKA recognize this across their portfolio.

The future of healthcare

As this technology advances and becomes more affordable and reliable, we can expect more health care institutions to embrace robotics. However, despite their exciting prospects, robotics are still not a replacement for human interaction. While they are good for repetitive tasks and data tracking, robotics for now are best used to aid and augment the clinicians’ workflow so that they can focus on more critical aspects of their jobs — care giving.

